I love the gorgeous stained glass windows in our church. Each tells a portion of the life of Christ. As we celebrate Easter, or Resurrection Sunday, this was the story that resonated in my heart this morning.
Peter and the other disciple started our for the tomb. They were both running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. He stooped and looked in and saw the linen wrappings lying there, but he didn't go in. Then Simon Peter arrived and went in.
I have to stop here and smile. Hmmm....a woman is the first to get to the tomb. Then, Peter and John run ahead of her to the tomb to see what she is trying to tell them. Since John is the author of the book, he makes sure to let us know that he beat Peter while running to the tomb! But, notice that he doesn't go in....he only looks into the cave. Peter, on the other hand, goes on in. This truly fits their personalities! After Peter went in, John followed suit.
Then the disciple who had reached the tomb first also went in, and he saw and believed--for until then they still had not understood the Scriptures that said Jesus must rise from the dead. then they went home.
But.....Mary was STILL there. She had know where Jesus was! She didn't leave. She waited.
Mary was standing outside the tomb crying, and as she wept, she stooped and looked in. She saw two white-robed angels, one sitting a the head and the other at the foot of the place where the body of Jesus had been lying. "Dear woman, why are you crying? "the angels asked her.
Because they have taken away my Lord," she replied, "and I don't know where they have put him."
Then she turned and saw another man standing there. She assumed it was the gardener. He too asked why she was crying. She told him and again asked where they had put His body.
"Mary!" Jesus said.
She turned to Him and cried out,"Rabboni!" (Which is Hebrew for Teacher).
Her eyes were opened. She waited patiently on the Lord, and He revealed Himself to her. This is a lesson for us all.
Easter Blessings!
Beautiful words today Susan! I've been thinking since early this morning as we headed to sunrise services about what a wonderful Saviour we have! The power that was in Him brought Him out of the grave! And that SAME power He makes available to us so that we can live.....forever! Awesome!
Marilyn...in Mississippi
Your beautiful post reminds me of the conversation with had with our cherubs this morning as we read to them the last chapter of Mark. Jesus is so gentle and good and kind.
Happy, Joyous Easter to you and yours, Susan!
It's certain: our believing hearts are turned decidedly towards that empty tomb. What joy & hope there is in that victory. His victory!
Happy Resurrection Day Susan!!!
I always love that Jesus revealed himself to women/a woman first. Because God always did things in a way that no one else would assume. Men were the head of society; women were to follow along. It just makes me happy :)
The grave couldn't hold Him. Alleuia!
He is Risen.
He is Risen indeed!
I love this passage. He is RISEN!
I hope you and yours had a great Easter weekend. :)
I'm a little slow getting caught up on my reading...
I loved those Mitford Books...Thank you for showing us the church.
AND...I love your new HAIR! SO Cute!
May I be found patiently waiting for Christ's big reveal to me this week. Doesn't matter how he comes, just as long as he comes.
Indeed, a lesson for us all!
Love you.
I love the Master Gardener!
And you....with love, Yolanda
Rabboni sounds like a type of pasta to me. (smiles)
Hope you had a good Easter!
Easter Service and the entire day was just PERFECT!!!!
What a beautiful reminder indeed! We don't have stained glass windows at church, but we read the verses about Mary in church on Sunday. Even though I've read the Easter story many times it never fails to leave me awed and incredibly thankful. How absolutely amazing that Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected to give us eternal life!
On a lighter note, I enjoyed your pictures from your road trip. What fun...and what cool sites you toured.
Hope you're enjoying your spring.
Love ya,
He makes available to us so that we can live.....forever! Awesome!
home jobs india
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