"You are my strong tower, shelter over me, beautiful and mighty, everlasting King"...and so the song by Kutlass goes. When Child #2 went rock climbing at a nearby gym, I watched as he carefully chose where each hand would grasp a rock. Then, he would pull himself up to the next level, using the strength of his legs to climb higher and then repeat the process. He made it to the top many times, enjoying repelling down to the floor. (I think he's part monkey!)
I look at the walk of a Christian in comparison. We struggle some days to get closer to God...our strong tower. We have obstacles to overcome and strongholds to release (busyness, pride, guilt, fear, etc.) Climbing toward Him means letting go of those rocks that we cling to so desperately. Another child climbing with my son was scared to let go of the rock and stretch out his hand to grab another so he could get closer to the top. He gave up and repelled down. When we trust God in all that we do, it's still scary, but we KNOW He is there with us. He will give us that strength and peace that only He can provide.
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 ( NLT)
Sweet Blessings!
Susan...I love the third picture of "child #2 - part monkey"! That is great. (And mommy was climbing too to get that picture!)
What a great lesson and comparison to our Christian walk....I mean climb.
What great lessons you remind us of. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have that strong tower!Hope you are having a great week. Jackie
I LOVE these pictures. WOW!! I have yet to be brave enough to do this. But I must say your lesson and analogy are very powerful. How I love the picture of God as my STRONG TOWER.
Would love your prayers for my son, Bo, who is a bit overwhelmed with his first days of middle school. Please pray that He would trust his STRONG TOWER!
Love you and thankful for you. I think of you every time I see the beautiful framed cross in my kitchen.
I love the visual you gave! Thank you for reminding us that to move forward (or up) we have to let go of something we are clinging to. I needed that today!
Great life lesson! I have found that the swiftest and surest way into that strong tower is through the portal of worship, regardless of what form it takes. There, in His presence and sheltered by His love, I'm truly out of harm's way.
Be blessed!
Thank you for this reminder, today. May we all let go of those rocks that hold us back.
Hey "Runner Mom"... I just found you on my 1-day-old blog... and had to make a comment of a different sort than the others here. I know your point is spiritual and Christian inspiration... but I could tell by just the thumbnail picture, you must have the LEGS of my dreams. Except when I think about running I mistake it for a nightmare. Perhaps as I get 'lighter'... who knows what things will be possible! Thanks SO much for following my blog. I'm hooked already. And the climbing wall really does make for a beautiful analogy. I love the "blogosphere"... so many people who REALLY experience the beauty in the small details of life, rather than raching through and missing them. ... Tamara
Ooops... Should have signed that "Tamara from Transformed By the Sea"
I love that song.. as well I love rock climbing (have even done it outside on a crisp fall day to turn around when at the top and see all the beauty God has created - just awesome) but what a GREAT analogy about letting go and not clinging to the holds or things that 'hold' us back!
Glad to have found your blog. I have been blessed by reading it. He is truly our strong tower!!!
I love that song and the visual that it gives me each time I hear it. I also love the verse you picked to go with this post. Thank you for blessing me today.
Thank God that He is our strong tower!
Loved the pictures of the rock wall. I've done that before and just LOVE it! I definitely never outgrew my love for climbing trees, rock and anything climbable.
You've got me singing the song "Strong Tower" now!
Have a great day, my friend.
what fun. I remember doing this with the boys a few years ago. GREAT arm workout...btw.
did you get my email with the addrees and stuff? trying to get caught up these days.
Oh, I love that song! Sometimes I too need the reminder that my Strong Tower is just waiting for me to reach the top.
Susan, what a beautiful visual and I love in Proverbs where God says that He is our strongtower the righteous run to Him and are safe.
Love to you,
I LOVE that song, and your analogy. Your son is a cutie too, and very strong! Like his mom I suppose. The very athletic family. Yay for you!
Awesome word!, my friend! And I love the pictures!
Awesome message my sister and friend.
Thank you for sharing with us. Love the photos!
Hey friend; keep climbing! I mentioned my running on my vlog the other day ... wish you were here to push me along these lines. It's been so hot.
Love you.
AMEN! Great photos to go with this message. And isn't it something how even as Christians we sometimes need to be reminded of these things?
Needing the Lords strenght today. I have fever and feel so yucky.
How I long to be more like your son who trusted and climbed instead of like the other little boy who was afraid and gave up!!! Love the comparison to God our Strong Tower!
Marilyn...in Mississippi
Powerful word Susan!!
Thanks for sharing...
Thought provoking and so true. Thank you.
Love this illustration! My son has loved climbing rock walls for as long as I can remember. His dream job was to be manning the rock wall on a cruise ship (like his cousin did)!
Letting go takes real courage.
What a fabulous analogy. Wow.
I love the lesson here, and this really spoke to me:
"Climbing toward Him means letting go of those rocks that we cling to so desperately."
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