Monday, March 2, 2009

24 Hours Later

Sitting in the dark, I listened to the trees in the nearby woods snapping as the snow grew heavier and heavier on their branches. Hmm....that could be a great opening line for a suspense novel. In reality, it HAPPENED last night!!! Y'all! We've had snow and sleet and cold in the deep south! Yuck! This has been an adventure, but not the adventures that I enjoy! Wet clothes on the floor with with wet gloves and wet shoes and wet socks and a wet stinky dog! Not the way I envisioned my Sunday evening!

By 4:00 yesterday afternoon, the rain and sleet turned into snow. The Weather Channel got it right! My boys were ecstatic! Yes!! No school tomorrow! They went flying outside to play! Airsoft guns and goggles were in place and over into the woods the tramped. Like a good Mama, I had the camera out, and the chicken soup on the stove. Yes, m'am, I was ready for this snow!! I was prepared! As dusk set in, I heard child #1 yell, "Oh, Man!" Then, I heard a terrible crash! I flew to the door and out into the snow to see what happened. Child # 1 was saying that it had fallen on the fence. I knew immediately that he was referring to one of our giant 20 year old pine trees in the back of the side yard. It had been tilting for a while--due to the electric company's sporadic trimming of branches --toward our backyard. Well, the snow had capsized the tree onto our split rail fence! The fence was down as well. All I could think of was where child #2 was!! Years ago, a runner had been killed while on a lunchtime run due to a falling tree. Panic almost set in until I heard him say, "Here I am , Mama!" Sweet relief!
About that time, there was another pop and an eerie green glow across the street. Out went all of the lights on our street! No problem, I had supper ready! Instead of the cornbread that I was going to make, we ate those cute mini saltine crackers! All by candlelight! Of course, we had NO batteries for any of the flashlights in the house! After all of the candle parties I've been to, I had enough wax that we could last a couple of weeks!! I was prepared! We found the reading clip lights and used those as well as the candles to play a couple of rounds of "Rack-O," and then it was time for bed. We had quilt upon quilt upon big 'ol sleeping bag! We were prepared!

This morning found us in the yard assessing the damage of the tree in the light. Hmm....we sorta needed a chainsaw! Our little handheld one was puny compared to the mess in front of us. We were not prepared! Our wonderful neighbors came over with a rake, chainsaw and lots of energy! Several hours later, the tree was off the fence, and the fence was rigged into place so that the backyard was again a safe place for our dog, Scarlette O'Hara Hood!

The power, thankfully, came back on this evening while we were out for supper (at a nice warm restaurant that served hot food!). Praise Him! This southern belle would be happy if she never had to deal with the snow or its side-effects again! Sorry! I can't drive in the stuff--we actually have ice under the snow! We slide all over the roads! I can't run in the stuff--my shoes aren't waterproof. I can't handle the power outages from the stuff! I am spoiled! See, I admit it! Spoiled rotten! really made me think about a lot of stuff!

Stuff like...those who are homeless and have to sleep in the cold temperatures on a regular basis. Stuff like...those who don't have the luxury of a washing machine or even yet, decent clothes to wear. Stuff like...those whose homes are not up to speed in that they have drafts, or maybe the owners don't have enough money to even pay their power bill. Stuff like that. It reminded me of Brandon Heath's song, "Give Me Your Eyes." We need God's eyes--His perception-- to see things that we someimes overlook or take for granted. I also thought about the folks in Kentucky who recently were without power for so long. I thought about the folks in the really deep south who suffered and survived Katrina. I had to be a little uncomfortable for just a day--only 24 hours. I am truly blessed in so many ways! God showed me a lot in a short amount of time! "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." (1 Peter 3:15) I was not prepared for a winter storm. It taught me a valuable lesson in that it parallels this question...Am I prepared spiritually for the unknown? Something to devote my Quiet Time to in the morning! Good night, y'all! I pray that you all sleep warmly!

Many blessings!


Melanie said...

Your snow pictures are beautiful though. And I'll bet your boys had a blast.
Thankful your tree only damaged the fence. Whew!

Kelly said...

Oh Susan, you hit so many points I am right here with you. We are doing the Bible study "40 days of love" by Rick Warren, and were just talking about the song you mentioned. We miss so much, just wrapped up in our stuff.

We too (as you already read at my place) had ALOT of snow! I loved it. But will be ready for it to be gone, and since the weather is calling for a 70 degree Saturday here, I know it won't last.

My husband is a runner and he has a pair of gortex running shoes for rain/slush. I think you'd love them.

Glad you are all safe, warm & dry. God bless you!

Joyful said...

Wow Susan, what a great post. Glad the Lord kept you all safe and sound.

Our Pastor asked us the exact same question on Sunday. He encouraged us to daily be prepared for battle by dressing in God's armor.

Thanks for your comment and prayers for my family today. I went back in and updated that post about my Dad with pictures. Thought you might like to take a look :o)

Thanks for this call to prepare ourselves spiritually for the unknown.

Love ya,
PS. Wish you lived closer too. I would have enjoyed your company today. Hugs!

Gotta Run..... said...

I, on the other hand, only had a few candles in the house. Need to restock my wax limits!! lol!

Sorry you guys lost that big beautiful tree.

I am hoping that all is clear on the roads by the time I get home today. I am driving Scott crazy from not running. :)

Yolanda said...

Susan, I was just thinking about this very scripture this I was reading Proverbs 3:25-26.

I treasure the memories I have with my parents when we would loose our electricity in the winter...out came the board games!!! NO TV!


Carol said...

Great words! I loved your pictures. We enjoyed the snow as well. But as for the "stuff" - well, I think about the stuff quite a bit lately. Thinking about that stuff makes me ever so thankful for the stuff I have, too. Thanks for this reminder!

KelliGirl said...

Enjoy your snow! We had about 9 inches yesterday and the kids were off. I love the snow and all it brings (we don't get that much here), but am anxiously awaiting Spring!

I agree that running or even walking on icy/slushy streets stinks. Maybe you should take up cross country skiing...or snowshoeing!

Love you,

Edie said...

Wow what great neighbors you have. Mine on one side of me would have been threatening me if I didn't hurry up and get my tree out of her yard. I'm glad the boys were out of the way of the tree when it fell.

I love that song! It really does make you stop and think.

Your pictues are gorgeous and you're making good memories. I often think of those without as much as I have. Especially those out in the cold. I am so thankful for what God has given me.

On Purpose said...

Praising God you and your family are safe...and that you had saltines on stock! May we use this ask if we are prepared? Thank you for encouraging my heart today to ask the right questions!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

In 1999, we lived through Hurricane Floyd, being boated away from our front lawn, along with countless others who would lose everything; thankfully, our home was spared, but it began for us a year long cycle of manning the rebuilding efforts in our little community from the fellowship hall of our church and home. Talk about perspective. I got a ton of it that year, yet somehow I still get annoyed when the power goes out for a few hours.

We are a blessed people to live our daily lives as we do. I bet the next time the forecasters call for snow, you'll have some batteries on hand, least the makings for s'mores over candelight.

Glad your kids got to experience some fluff. Every kid needs that!
