I feel God leading me to facilitate a workshop for the ladies in my church--married or engaged or separated--this fall. I want to encourage them to lift up their husbands each day and to be very intentional. For example...if your spouse is struggling with anger over little things (well, things that YOU think are little!!) you could find anger in the Bible and look up the scriptures that are listed in the concordance. Look at this from James. "My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry..." James 1:19. Then you could pray something like this:
Lord, I ask that you would remind my husband to be quick to listen and slow to anger especially when he is dealing with the children after a long day at work....
(This is just an example! Hubby could actually pray this for me!! He has the patience of Job!)
In addition to learning how to pray for your husband scripturally, a precious friend of mine shared that she journals prayers for her husband. She has faithfully written an entry and a prayer EVERY DAY for almost a year!!! She simply purchased a neat little journal from Hobby Lobby and began to pray! Another gal she works with is doing the same thing, and they are holding each other accountable for this! She is going to give this beautiful gift to her husband this Christmas. Talk about your one of a kind present! I just love this idea!
What I would LOVE to hear from y'all are words of wisdom for this class. I think it will be held in late October. I am really trying to determine the logistics!! Should it be a small class for a more intimate setting? Should it be limited to a certain number of women? How big is too big? What else should I incorporate into this? This class will only last an hour...too long and ladies won't come or will get bogged down! I want to model how to use scripture in prayers and let the ladies practice this! I would love for them to share some of the scriptures that they will use while praying for their spouse. Please feel free to share your wonderful thoughts!! I truly value your opinions.
It's been another busy week! I've subbed several days and have gotten into my Bible study class--Isaiah Part 2! I am loving this!! I'll hop around and visit your blogs over the next few days. Hope you have a great day!!
Sweet Blessings!

What a great plan! No doubt the participants will benefit greatly, as well as their relationships.
As for suggestion I really have few beyond keeping it simple. The subject matter has the built-in potential for rabbit trailing, so keeping a clear, clean focus will be vitally important.
May it be a blessing for all!
This is great stuff! I should definitely take some of your advice and be more intentional about praying for my husband and our marriage.
The pictures from your ladies event are fabulous. It looks like it was a memorable brunch. I wish I could have been there!
Blessings my friend,
I love the journal idea. I have one that I try and write in daily--which doesn't always work out--but it's an everyday my thoughts kind of thing. A praise and prayer journal for me. One designed just for prayer for Kevin... that would be great. I'm going to bank on that.
I would keep it simple, too. Start out small... if that's where God leads. And remind the ladies that the more they press in for their husbands, the more they may come under attack in the beginning.
This is going to be an awesome experience for all of you. Many blessings for you and all the women who attend!
You have inspired me to create a prayer journal for my hubby. I used to write prayers for him and then email him parts of them so he'd know I was praying for him that day. He always loved it. Maybe God brought me here to remind me that I need to start that back. Thanks for letting me know you were encouraged by my post. That means so much!!!
you know I did awful at the prayer journal... but it is a good idea.
Simple is best and I agree with Sassy.
Oh Susan this idea so excites me...so I am committed to praying with you and for you and for the women He will call to attend this class!! I am encouraged and so challenged by the journal/prayer idea and giving it as a gift that I am thinking I might just do that!!
I love visiting you!
Well, I went to the dollar store last night and I am now going to begin my journey of prayer journaling for my hubby.
Thanks for the idea!!
I've been away for awhile.
Praying all is well.
Here is my new blog address:
Blessings, Cindy
We have Bible study @ my office every Thursday, right now we are reading The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian which is wonderful. I read it during the 1st yr of my marriage, its so neat now to look back 6 yrs later @ what I highlighted & see how my husband & I have grown. I love the idea of this study Susan. I would encourage you to use this book as a reference. Praying for our hubbys is HUGE, it not only affects them but affects the whole family.
Thanks for this post Susan, you're such an encouragement!
This is a great post. I plan to follow your advice and be more intentional in praying for my husband.
I'd love to attend your class. Care to travel to Jersey? haha
With love,
I love this idea! Thank you! Would love to attend a class like this one.
I will be fining my own journal. ;o)
I love the idea of creating a prayer journal for my husband! I would pick a small group of women who are intentional about joining in with you on this journey. Too often, we sign up for stuff only to give up after a few sessions. I'll be interested to know how all of this works out and would love some tips about this!
Great idea, Susan.
FABULOUS IDEA SUSAN!!! Love the idea of a prayer journal for my husband!!!! What a precious gift...and even for someone who isn't married, they could do one for a special friend or a family member. Can you imagine receiving that??? WOW!!!
Love ya my friend,
Great idea and what a special gift. I recently started a prayer journal for my teenage son. I have found these parenting years challenging and figure I have a bout a 1000 days until he goes off to college, so I have committed to praying specific prayers for 1000 days!
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