Thursday, April 25, 2013

Noonday Collection {Atlanta Fun!}

Yesterday, I had the privilege of meeting our amazing founder and head of Noonday Collection,  Jessica Honegger. She made a trip to Atlanta to meet up with some of our ambassadors here in the south.  Five of our ambassadors from SC were able to make the trip. And, we got to meet some of our fabulous ambassadors from Georgia! And, the icing on the cake was lunch at JCT's Kitchen--oh my word! That smoked brisket sandwich simply melted in my mouth!

We had a great time getting to know each other, eating, and talking about Noonday. What a difference it is making in the lives of our artisans and their families.  Not all of us can be a part of a mission trip, but by purchasing handmade items to support those in 3rd world countries truly is something that we CAN do. I love being a part of this amazing team of women and those of you who make purchases to help our artisans receive a sustainable income. Take a moment and look at the beautiful items that we offer at Noonday Collection. Seeing God's hand in this ministry has been such a blessing.

Here are a few more pics of the gals from yesterday. Ladies, it was a pleasure to meet you all! You are beautiful inside and out.

Yes, God had us covered yesterday....He is faithful and keeps His promises.

Sweet blessings,

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow?

We are finally experiencing a bit of spring in the sunny south....still another cold day this week mentioned on Weather Channel! And just gets hot!!! So, I thought that I would go ahead and try to beat the heat by starting on my herb garden! This is sooo easy to do my friends (especially if I can do it!).  This will be a dish garden---so that all these fun plants don't go crazy and take over my beds! I have it on the deck to make it quite easy to get to.

My big question for y'all is do you cook with herbs? I really want to research this and see how to spice up my cooking a bit instead of just always using salt and pepper. I went to a nearby nursery yesterday, and the owner was going on and on about an herb that I have never used--lemon thyme. Do any of you use it? Do you have a fabulous recipe to share? I would LOVE to hear what all you do with these.

 First, find a fun bowl and a saucer....mine came from Old Time Pottery for $1.99!! I was so excited! Then use some good potting soil--not the cheap stuff!

 I chose four different herbs for this size pot. I have rosemary, chives, cilantro, and lemon thyme.

I love the color of this one....just hope I'll like the taste of it too!

Then, I just start adding the plants. Squish them together and add the extra potting soil.

Seriously, please share your recipes and links to recipes that you might have using fresh herbs.  That would be great! Hope y'all have a wonderful day!!
